
Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jin signed a formal agreement on Air Services Agreement between Korea and Bahrain.

Art is a healing force that mends the wounds of life and provides solace.

UNJournal Kayla Lee  | The Cloud series, which por trays clouds in an abstract form, expresses anxiety while also representing various human relationships and emo­tions through a range of artis­tic techniques and scratches. Through different-shaped clouds, the series presents the dualism of virtual and real, while also revealing a desire to be free like a cloud and escape the weight of life's burdens.



The power of free expression in the artist's work lies in the fact that it maximizes the ef­fect of freedom. In addition to pouring out shapeless gestures that cannot be confined by any form or meaning onto the screen, the artist freely mixes collages and acrylic paintings using various expressive tech­niques without being bound by a single medium.


To express the Cloud series' new combination, YoungK breaks down physical elements and recombines them on the screen to create something new. Through the language of beauty that is created by ar­tistic creativity or imagination unrelated to nature, the artist avoids a geometric, linear ap­proach and instead expresses a romantic and abstract form that conveys the world of un­consciousness and dreams, as well as fantasy and imagi­nation free from the domina­tion of reason. By leading the concrete form into abstraction through intuitive and imagi­native creations without being restricted by physicality, the artist freely develops and ex­pands their painting world.



The existence of clouds, which float around in irreg­ular forms, is a visible collec­tion that cannot be defined. Although we often recall the word "cloud" and imagine a learned image, clouds are ac­tually an irregular vapor con­ sisting of water droplets and ice crystals. The ever-changing shape of clouds as they float around represents an inter­mediary that expresses the uneasy reality world we cannot be complacent with, and the contradictory image of clouds becomes a text that expresses imagination between the virtu­al and the real.By abstracting the shape of clouds and relying on the power of material rather than drawing a concrete form, the artist creates a text that is the language of beauty.



■ Profile

Graduated from the Depart­ment of Fine Arts (Painting Major) at Hongik University Graduate School of Art


■ Major activities

2022 Selected Artist for the Professional Arts Creation Support Project, Ansan Cul­tural Foundation

2022 Exhibition Coordinator for the Ansan International Art Show, Ansan Cultural Foundation

2020 Operating Committee member for the Gyeonggi Art Exhibition, Promotion and Ad­ministrative Support for the Ansan International Art Show

2020 "Ar t r ium Jeonju," Artist Art Market [Meeting the Life and World of Artists through Video/Artist Yeong-K, Jeonju]

2019 "Art Pop-up Store in Jeonju," Artist Art Market [Artist Talk: Yeong-K, Hwimok Art Museum, Arts Manage­ment Support Center]

2018 G-Open Studio <Next-door Artists: Ansan Edition>, Selected Artist: Gyeonggi Cul­tural Foundation

2018 Shin-Do-ri Station Cul­ture Railroad 959: The 6th TOCA Art, 959 Art Platform Open Studio - Invited Artist, Guro Cultural Foundation, TOCA Art, Guro District Of­fice, Korea Culture and Arts Committee

2016 Selected Artist for the Gyeonggi Youth, Korea Art As­sociation, Gyeonggi Province Branch

2014 Selected Ar tist for the 8th Yoo Jung Art Center Monthly Project, Yoo Jung Art Center Solo Exhibition

2022 The 11th Cloud Con­nected Gyeonggi-do Ansan, Gallery Still

2021 The 10th Breath of Life; Ansan Cultural Arts Center Gallery A, Gyeonggi Province, Gallery Still

2020 The 9th Uncomfortable Space; Lack of Comfort, Ansan Cultural Arts Center Gallery A

2018 The 8th "2018 ART SEOUL" Selected Artist In­vited Booth Exhibition, Seoul, Hangaram Art Museum Exhi­bition Hall 5,6

2015 Selected Ar tist for the 6th Yoo Jung Art Center Monthly Project, Yoo Jung Art Center 1Gallery Exhibition

2014 The 5th K-Art Gallery Opening Exhibition Invited Exhibition "Sense & Sensibili­ty," Seoul, K-Art Gallery

2013 "CLOUDS" 4th and 3rd Exhibition, Sun Gallery, An­san, Gyeonggi-do and GN Gal­lery, Icheon, Gyeonggi-do

2012 "Harmony of the Seen and the Unseen," Sun Gallery, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do

2010 The 1st Danwon Art Museum Branch Exhibition, Planning Exhibition


■ Career

2022 Art, Each is Coming Out, Woojin Culture Space Gallery

2022 2-Person Exhibition: Geumbosung x Ye ong-K, Monamour Gallery The Purple Gallery No. 2

2022 Ace Art Planning Exhi­bition, Kongseu Gallery, Maru Art Center

2022 Gallery Maronie Invi­tational Exhibition, Art Center Jeongmisu Gallery Maronie

2021 Identity Exhibition, 22nd Regional Artists Invi­tational Exhibition, Special Exhibition Hall A, Imrip Art Museum

2020 3.3 Node Cluster Ex­hibition 5-Person Exhibition: Yeong-K, Lee Bu-an, K im Tae-cheol, Park Hyun-su, Kim Seok-jeong, Jainjeno Gallery

2019 "Drawing for Seven Months in Byeolmaro": Ko­rea-China International Art Exchange Exhibition, Weihai Economic Development Zone Art Museum, Weihai Yugon Art Museum, Yeongwol Cul­tural Heritage Foundation, Hwimok Art Museum, Yugon Art Museum, China

2018 Next Door Art: Artists living next door (Ansan), Ex­hibition name: Flower Spring Opening, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation,

2018 Light in Filigree - 2 and 3 French artists "La lumiere en filigrane-Carole Becam, Jean-Francois Sublet, Young. K(Ji-Young Kim)", Legilles), Galerie TrES, Nantes, France Galerie TrES(France Nantes)

2017 Spring Special Exhibi­tion CROSSING3040, Ansan Cultural Foundation, Ansan, Ansan Arts Center, etc (100 times)