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Georgia aims to conclude 2 key economic pacts with Korea this year

Embassy of Georgia holds a reception to celebrate the country's Independence Day

UNJournal Jon Lee | “Georgia aims to conclude two important economic framework agreements with Korea this year,” said H.E. Tarash Papaskua, Ambassador of Georgia to the ROK on May 27,2024.


At a reception to celebrate the Independence Day of Georgia held at Grand Hyatt Seoul on May 27, Amb. Papaskua said, “I am delighted to highlight the progress we have achieved together with our Korean partners in our talks on two important economic framework agreements, the Georgia-Korea Economic Partnership Agreement and the Agreement on Promotion and Protection of Investments, which we aim to conclude already this year.”



Commenting that Korea and Georgia have achieved substantial progress in the past 30 plus years of our diplomatic ties in many areas of mutual interest, including political, economic, people-to-people ties, as well as culture and tourism, he said, ”However, there still is a tremendous untapped potential in deepening our relations, especially in trade-economic, cultural, education fields and people-to people exchanges in the years to come.”

Amb. Papaskua continued to say, “We aim to undertake joint efforts towards implementing concrete, mutually beneficial ideas and initiatives with Korea.”


Noting that Georgia shares international community’s concerns on increased military cooperation between Russia and North Korea and its potential implications for global security, the ambassador said, “In this regard, we underscore the importance of upholding the UN Security Council resolutions and their pivotal role in preserving stability in the region.”



More than 700 foreign and domestic guests, including foreign ambassadors, senior diplomats, high-ranking government officials, business leaders, and their spouses attended the event filled with great fervor and festivity.

Among the VIP guests at the reception were Cho Koo-rae, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Genadi Arveladze, DM of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Lee Won-wook, a member of the 21st National Assembly and Chairperson of the Korea-Georgian parliamentary friendship Group.

Among foreign ambassadors on hand at the gala reception were Begench Durdyyev of Turkmenistan, Maria Theresa B. Dizon-De Vega of the Philippines, Nurgali Arystanov of Kazakhstan, Paul Fernando Duclos Parodi of Peru, Federico Cuello Camilo of Dominican Republic, and Ričardas Šlepavicius of Lithuania.



In his congratulatory remarks, Cho Koo-rae, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, said, “With its rich history and magnificent landscape and the vibrant cultures, Georgia has shown remarkable growth and today it plays a pivotal role as a co-leader on a Eurasian continent and it has become a great hub for energy transportation.”

Introducing that Korea and Georgia has fostered strong ties cross various fields, achieving significant progress together since the establishment of the diplomatic ties, Cho said, “Last year, we had active high level exchanges and consultations and the recent bilateral consultations in Tbilisi provided a valuable opportunity to discuss the ways to strengthen the bilateral relations further. One more notable development this year is the inauguration of our embassy in Tbilisi, which reflect our government's commitment to the bilateral ties.”



Cho added, “I have no doubt that in the future, the two diplomatic missions in close coordination will contribute to strengthening our friendship, and mutual benefits between Korea and Georgia.”

The following is the full-text of the speech by H.E. Tarash Papaskua, Ambassador of Georgia to the ROK.


H.E. Cho Koo-rae, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea,  
H.E. Genadi Arveladze, DM of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia,  
Honorable Mr. Lee Won Wook, Member of 21st National Assembly and Chairperson of the Korea-Georgian parliamentary friendship Group, 
Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Georgian diaspora,  



It is my distinct honor to welcome you and thank you for joining us and gracing our celebration with your presence tonight! On 26 May, we celebrate the Independence Day of Georgia. This year, marks 106 years of the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Georgia as well as 33rd anniversary of the restoration of Independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.  


Despite the short period of its existence from 1918-1921, the Democratic Republic of Georgia had a significant impact on the development of the Georgian statehood in a long run. 

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, at the 31 March 1991 referendum on the question: “Do you support the restoration of the Independence of Georgia in accordance with the Act of Declaration of Independence of Georgia of 26 May 1918?” - 99% of the population answered with an explicit YES! 


Distinguished guests,  
Throughout these three decades, Georgia has faced many challenges to build a modern democratic state. It has become the target of Russia’s hybrid warfare on numerous occasions, aimed at destabilizing the country, hindering its democratic development and its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. 


Even today, Georgia continues to fight for its territorial integrity. Following the Russian full-scale aggression and war against my country in August 2008, in blatant violation of the fundamental principles and norms of international law, Russia continues attempts to undermine Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by illegally occupying integral parts of Georgia – the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. 


Herewith, I would like to express deep gratitude to the Republic of Korea, our European, American, and all our allies and partners, for their unwavering support to Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty within its internationally recognized borders. 


Russia’s aggression and unchecked land grab in 2008 led to ensuing invasion of parts of Ukraine, culminating in a full-scale aggression and brutal war against Ukraine since February 2022. Using the opportunity, let me express Georgia’s strong solidarity and support to Ukraine and its people in the ongoing illegal war from Russia.  

At the same time, considering recent developments in this part of the world, Georgia shares international community’s concerns on increased military cooperation between Russia and North Korea and its potential implications for global security. In this regard, we underscore the importance of upholding the UN Security Council resolutions and their pivotal role in preserving stability in the region. 


Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Today, Georgia remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding and promoting the universal values of peace, democracy and human rights.  


Following European Council’s historic decisions in the last two years, recognizing Georgia’s European perspective and granting it a candidate status, my country’s future has been firmly anchored with the EU.  


Georgia’s future lies in the EU, historically, culturally, politically. We have come a long way to achieve this unprecedented milestone in our country’s European quest and are determined to continue on this path together until the ultimate goal of the membership is achieved. 


The future enlargement, which has now gained a remarkable momentum, is indeed a strategic and powerful response to make the EU stronger and fit; it continues to serve as a major transformative tool to expand common democratic values and standards. We are confident that as a future member, Georgia stands to play an important role for the common good of Europe. 


Amidst complex geopolitical tensions, which, no doubt, affects all our countries, fostering international cooperation, solidarity and partnerships, as well as persistent efforts to strengthen rules-based international order are needed more than ever for ensuring peace, prosperity and stability around the world. 


Having said that, Georgia attaches utmost importance to deepening and enhancing bilateral ties with the Republic of Korea, a robust democracy and one of the most advanced, innovative countries.  


We applaud and appreciate the Republic of Korea’s readiness to assume greater international role as envisaged by President Yoon Suk Yeol’s Global Pivotal State Vision and are determined to continue to strengthen our value-based partnership. Our countries’ shared commitment to common values of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights provides for a solid foundation for the development of a dynamic and close partnership. 


In this regard, we welcome the Korean government’s decision to elevate the status of the office of the Embassy in Tbilisi to that of the full-fledged residence embassy at the end of this year. 


Moreover, I am delighted to highlight the progress we have achieved together with our Korean partners in our talks on two important economic framework agreements, the Georgia-Korea Economic Partnership Agreement and the Agreement on Promotion and Protection of Investments, which we aim to conclude already this year. 


All this is to say that we have achieved substantial progress in the past 30 plus years of our diplomatic ties in many areas of mutual interest, including political, economic, people-to-people ties, as well as culture and tourism. However, there still is a tremendous untapped potential in deepening our relations, especially in trade-economic, cultural, education fields and people-to people exchanges in the years to come. 

To conclude, as we aim to undertake joint efforts towards implementing concrete, mutually beneficial ideas and initiatives, I would like to once again express sincere gratitude to all our Korean colleagues and partners for their cooperation! 


Last but not least, I would like to thank my team at the Embassy and my family, for all their support and dedication.