
Damwhapoongweol (曇華風月): "A world full of peace and mercy"

Says Chairman Lee Jon-young, "Mercy in the heart, peace in the world!"

By UN Journal Lee Jon-young


"Mercy in the heart, peace in the world!" This is the theme of the 2019 Buddha’s birthday celebration in the year of the Buddha, 2563! However, in recent years, we have witnessed many conflicts and instability around the world. Conflicts between nations, racial tensions, mistrust in politics, economic inequality, and many other issues have disrupted our daily lives. In the midst of this turmoil, the values of peace and mercy are more important than ever.



The need for peace


Conflict around the world is not just a localized problem. The modern world is globalized, and instability in one part of the world immediately affects the rest of the world.


The recent events in Ukraine, the conflicts in the Middle East, and the civil wars in several African countries have had a profound impact on the global economy and politics. This makes us realize how important peace is.


The power of mercy


Mercy is one of the most important elements of peace. Merciful behavior builds trust between people, enabling understanding and reconciliation. For example, during the recent COVID-19 pandemic period, many people spontaneously stepped up to help each other, demonstrating the power of mercy.


Medical staff risked their own lives to care for patients, and neighbors provided support to ease each other's hardships. However, the number of patients suffering from medical disputes is increasing, and distrust in the political sphere and labor-management conflicts are becoming a suffering daily reality in society. 



Cooperation among countries


The international community is making various efforts to realize peace and mercy. The United Nations is working to spread the values of peace and mercy globally through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among them, the goal of "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions" emphasizes that all countries should strive to achieve peaceful societies.


Governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are also actively working together to provide humanitarian assistance. For example, the World Food Program (WFP) works globally to help people suffering from hunger, and its work contributes significantly to the realization of peace and mercy.



Our role


Peace and mercy cannot be achieved through the efforts of countries or international organizations alone. Each of our small actions can make a big difference. A small gesture of helping our neighbors, treating everyone without discrimination, and understanding and caring for one another are the beginning of true peace and mercy.




We all dream of a world of peace and mercy. To realize this dream, we need the cooperation of the international community and the efforts of each of us. The theme of "Mercy in the Heart, Peace in the World!" is a good guide to the sustainable future we need to create together. Small acts of mercy, here and now, will help create a peaceful world.