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Supporting entrepreneurs is one of main goals of the Head of State

Says Bekzod Mamatkulov, founder of BMB HOLDING

By UN Journal Lee Kap-soo


The following artricle was contributed by Dunyo Information Agency to the UN Journal for publication through the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Seoul. –Ed. 


In recent years, systematic work has been carried out to create a continuous chain of comprehensive support for the development of entrepreneurship in our country. As a result of the measures implemented and important decisions made over the last seven years, a new generation of entrepreneurs of New Uzbekistan has emerged.

In particular, BMB HOLDING is one of the major subjects of private entrepreneurship, playing an important role in the economic life of our country, and gaining strong positions not only in the domestic, but also in the international market.


On the eve of the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Dunyo information agency talked to Bekzod Mamatkulov, the founder of BMB HOLDING.

– Mr. Mamatkulov, in recent years BMB HOLDING has gained a great reputation not only in Uzbekistan, but also among the international business community. Today, the Holding effectively works in the areas of providing consulting services on investment projects, developing international business and trade relations, attracting foreign investments, export-import exchange, introducing innovative technologies, creating modern agro-industrial clusters. We would like to start our conversation with the organization of the Holding and the history of its development.

– After his election as President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev put on the agenda of our state’s policy such important issues as increasing economic potential, attracting investments and, most importantly, supporting entrepreneurs to bring the country to a new stage of development.

In this sense, the opportunities created for entrepreneurs have radically changed my life goals and made me want to test my potential in business.

We generated our first income through services. Developing business plans and providing consulting services was our first source of income. Later we bought land in Arnasay district of Jizzak region to implement our agricultural projects. We planted mung beans and peas as secondary crops here. The first attempts were successful. The agricultural products we grew gave better results than we expected. For the first time we were able to export our crops abroad. In particular, we started selling agricultural products to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Later, we had a plan to supply cotton and grain to the state on a contract basis, and we gradually expanded our financial capacity, making a profit from it.

In 2017, during the visit of the Head of state to Jizzakh region, our project to create a food cluster in Arnasay district was presented. At the meeting, the President emphasized that he would support us, like all businessmen, and expressed great confidence in us. Such attention and support of the President of the country gave us additional strength. After that, there was a desire to further expand our business activities, to test ourselves in new industries, to develop and implement joint projects with foreign partners.

In particular, in 2018, we were among the first to create the largest cotton cluster in the country. Thanks to the attention of the management and creation of favorable conditions for doing business, we created a cluster for growing medicinal plants, namely saffron. Later we organized a fruit and vegetable cluster. This big project, in turn, enabled us to set up a system of sorting, packing and deep processing of fruits and vegetables. Thus, having passed through various stages of business, our small project has now formed into BMB HOLDING. At present the Holding unites 30 enterprises. They employ more than six thousand people across the country.

– It is no secret that today the Holding realizes investment projects of international and national level. As an entrepreneur and a person who knows the business environment in foreign countries, how do you assess the investment environment in Uzbekistan? Are there aspects that do not satisfy you, are there factors that are obstacles for business?

– In the process of building New Uzbekistan, the creation of a favorable investment environment for entrepreneurs has become one of the main goals of the reforms of the Head of our state. The adoption by the President of Uzbekistan of a number of decrees and resolutions aimed at supporting entrepreneurs is yielding results today.

Improvement of tax legislation, creation of the possibility of free currency conversion, reforms in the sphere of private property and a number of other positive changes related to these spheres have played their important role, and entrepreneurs are now considered as the driving force of the country’s economy. In 2020-2022, despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic worldwide had a large negative impact on the economies and the global investment environment, Uzbekistan’s economic growth rates remained stable and its investment attractiveness continued to grow.

The fact that the inflow of foreign investments into the country has increased significantly testifies to the confidence of international business in the economic reforms in our country. Active diversification of the economy is an important achievement that has opened new opportunities for investors in all sectors, starting with industry.

Now, if we talk about the factors that are obstacles for business, aspects that do not satisfy entrepreneurs, I will tell the truth openly: at the level of the government, reforms are being implemented very intensively, positive changes are taking place. But when you go to the lower level of the system, there are still cases of inattention and carelessness somewhere. I believe that such shortcomings will be eliminated.

– We know that BMB HOLDING is engaged in the production and export of a wide variety of agricultural products. In particular, the organization headed by you has achieved great success in saffron cultivation. Today saffron grown in Uzbekistan is becoming popular in many regions of the world. Tell me, when did you come up with the idea of establishing such a complex sphere as saffron cultivation in Uzbekistan and why did you choose this particular project?

– During President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visits to Kashkadarya region in 2017, the issue of cultivation of medicinal plants in mountainous and foothill regions, development of this sphere in our country and export of valuable medicinal plants to the world market was prioritized. The leader of our country also inquired why it is impossible to grow saffron in Uzbekistan despite all conditions, and gave a special instruction to develop this industry. During the President’s visit to Jizzakh region, we made a detailed presentation of our saffron cultivation project. Having familiarized himself with the project, the Head of state expressed his full support to it and instructed the responsible persons to implement the program as soon as possible.

However, it was not easy to realize this project at first. When implementing this business idea, first of all, we deeply studied the demand and supply in the domestic and foreign markets, opportunities and prospects for its implementation in the conditions of Uzbekistan, our own potential in this area, as well as a number of other factors. In 2020, we started to implement the project in pandemic conditions. At first, it took a lot of patience and hard work to find specialists, to bring saffron bulbs suitable for our climate from Europe and to get the desired harvest. In the first year we planted saffron bulbs on 55 hectares of land. The high demand for the harvest and the experience gained stimulated further development and expansion of the project. Today saffron is grown on 400 hectares of land. In the next three years, it is planned to increase the area of saffron plantations to 1,000 hectares and produce 20 tons of pure saffron products per year.

At the beginning of 2024, the product BMB Za’faron for the first time in our region received the USDA Organic certificate, an environmental certificate developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which allowed Uzbek saffron to enter the American markets. After several years of in-depth analytical research, Uzbek saffron grown in the Bakhmal district received the appropriate permission to export to Chinese markets according to the conclusion of the Uzbek-Chinese interdepartmental commission.

– Indeed, a lot of experience in saffron cultivation has been accumulated in recent years. At the same time, what countries’ experience do you think should be studied and implemented in order to grow a competitive product that meets the requirements of international standards and markets?

– In agriculture, each product is grown using a specific method. Such countries as Italy, Austria, South Korea, USA, and Saudi Arabia have enough experience in saffron cultivation. Of course, we study the experience of countries with climatic conditions close to ours and exchange experience with industry experts. I can say that we have mobilized all possibilities to get more crops and export them abroad. The increase in exports, in turn, contributes to increasing the inflow of foreign currency into Uzbekistan and ensuring economic stability.

To bring our national products to the world market and increase their competitiveness, the most important factors are, first of all, quality, then price and, of course, matching production capacity to demand. We have taken these aspects into account in our work and projects, especially in saffron cultivation.

– In Uzbekistan, on the initiative of the Head of our state, an open dialog with entrepreneurs is held annually. Tell me, what impact do these efforts have on the activities of the Holding headed by you?

– It would not be an exaggeration to say that the adoption of a number of resolutions and decrees on creation of favorable business environment and healthy competition in our country, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, further liberalization of tax policy have served to eliminate the problems that have arisen for many years and hindered the free activity of entrepreneurs.

Thanks to the political will of the President of Uzbekistan, the organizational and legal foundations for the development of the industry have been strengthened, and the attention to entrepreneurs has changed dramatically. Most importantly, all this has already started to yield positive results.

In addition, an open dialog between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and entrepreneurs has been established. In my opinion, there is no other country in the world that has such a format.

I can confidently say that the open communication of the Head of state with the business community, which has now become a tradition and is held annually, serves as an important factor in the formation of a new competitive class of entrepreneurs in New Uzbekistan.

I visit many countries for work. In particular, my friends-partners in Italy, Germany, the United States, Austria and other countries highly appreciate the annual dialog of the President of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs. It is no secret that people look at us with envy when they see the personal attention of the Head of state to the development of business in our country. In fact, it is a great achievement for both sides — the President meets with businessmen, listens to their systemic problems, finds solutions and solves them. Therefore, today all businessmen are looking forward to meeting with the President. This meeting has also become an important forum for businessmen to assess their activities for the year and determine plans for the future. The speeches of our country’s leader at the meeting and important initiatives aimed at further development of the industry, removal of existing obstacles, provision of benefits to entrepreneurs serve as a program for further expansion of businessmen’s activities.

I would like to give an example based on my experience. Before dialoguing with the President, I note in my notebook the issues we face in our work. Listening to the President, I always get comprehensive answers to all my questions based on deep analysis.

– In August 2022, by the decree of the President of Uzbekistan, you were awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign, and in 2023 — the “Dustlik” order. Recall those moments when your entrepreneurial activity was highly appreciated by the leadership of our country.

– Before answering, I have to say one thing. Before coming to business, I worked in state and public organizations for more than 15 years. I never received even a certificate of honor, let alone a state award. Today, the leader’s focus is on people who have sincerely worked for the development of our dear country — Uzbekistan. In recognition of our work, in 2022, I was awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign. In 2023, I had the honor to receive the “Dustlik” Order from the esteemed President. These are not just awards given to me, they are recognition of the work of thousands of dedicated people working in the Holding’s system. Such a high appreciation gives our team more confidence and motivation, and gives us great strength to realize the goals we have set for ourselves.

– The direction of economic diplomacy is becoming increasingly important in attracting foreign investment to Uzbekistan, finding new partners and exporting national products abroad. In this regard, does the Holding, which you head, use the opportunities of diplomatic missions of our country in foreign countries? How satisfied are you with the work of our country's embassies in this direction?

– Frankly speaking, it used to be impossible to meet with diplomats. If you went abroad and wanted to meet with the Ambassador of our country, he would not accept businessmen. This is an open statement. The Ambassador only dealt with politics. Thanks very much to our President, he brought the diplomats’ attention to the economy as well. This, of course, has opened wonderful conditions and opportunities for entrepreneurs. Openness in this sphere, in turn, has become an important step for entrepreneurs in finding foreign partners and attracting investment.

Today, the diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan in foreign countries play a very important role in the activities of the Holding Company, and we feel their support at every stage of realization of our numerous projects. The introduction of the position of Advisor to the Ambassadors of Uzbekistan on economic issues has been very useful for us entrepreneurs. It should be noted that BMB HOLDING has established close relations of economic cooperation with embassies of foreign countries in Uzbekistan, in particular with diplomatic missions of Russia, China, USA and a number of European countries such as Poland, Austria and Latvia.

In a word, the role of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan and foreign countries in our country is very important in effective realization of the company’s projects.

– Today BMB HOLDING operates in the field of cultivation and production of agricultural products. Our readers are also interested in the future plans of the Holding.

– Our plans for the near future are huge. In particular, the work on establishment of deep processing of agricultural and fruit and vegetable products, and the launching of textile factories in Syrdarya region is in full swing. We also want to implement projects in the field of medicine. Our first project in this direction will be the creation of a health center in Navoi region in 2025. Also, a chain of restaurants and hotels “Zafaron” will be launched in Tashkent city and Tashkent region.

Along with this, we plan to implement the project “Energy-efficient technologies and equipment for production, mining and processing of natural decorative stone” worth 50 million US dollars together with the organization Toksel Makina from Turkey.

– Our last question may be off-topic, but many people are also very interested in this area. We would like to ask about your projects in sports, especially in soccer. What are your goals in soccer and futsal? Also, please, provide information about BMB HOLDING brand ambassadors in the sphere of chess.

– This is an interesting question. BMB HOLDING considers the development of sports in our country, especially soccer and futsal, as one of the main directions of its activity. The Holding was one of the sponsors of Sogdiana soccer club in 2021 and Lokomotiv soccer club in 2022. Since 2023, our Holding has been one of the sponsors of the professional soccer league of Uzbekistan.

At the same time, the BMB PROFESSIONAL FUTSAL CLUB team started its activity in the system of the Holding. A number of famous local and Brazilian futsal players were invited to the team. For the last two years the team won the Cup of Uzbekistan and the Super Cup of Uzbekistan. Today the basis of our team is made up of futsal players playing in the national team of Uzbekistan on mini-football.

On June 30, on the occasion of Youth Day in Uzbekistan together with the Agency for Youth Affairs within the framework of the project of the brand ORRO ROSSO in Milan (this brand is currently the official partner of the Italian soccer club Milan and Monza) we organized a trip to our country of four famous former players of the soccer club Milan, world and European champions Dida, Sergino, Panucci and Zaccardo. I believe that the visit of famous soccer players to Uzbekistan has served to increase the interest and activity of our youth in sports.
As you know, the Futsal World Cup will be held in our country from September 14 to October 6 this year. BMB HOLDING as the main partner organization is preparing for this futsal holiday.

Besides, BMB HOLDING actively supports talented young chess players. Recognizing them as the face and ambassadors of the Holding, we call them brand ambassadors. In particular, FIDE Master of Sports Humoyun Bekmurodov won a silver medal at the X Chessable Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival 2023 held in Barcelona (Spain), and also won the Dubai Police Global Chess Challenge tournament held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) on May 3-13 this year.

Another of our young chess players is Umida Omonova, a student of the International Chess School, world champion in blitz and rapid, FIDE Master of Sport, member of the Uzbekistan national team, holder of the state award named after Zulfiya, brand ambassador of BMB HOLDING. She also won the 18th round of the Uzbekistan Championship held in April this year.

Another thing is that BMB HOLDING mobilizes all its capabilities and potential in the direction of further prosperity of New Uzbekistan, which is being built under the leadership of the Head of state, improvement of welfare of our people and development of the Motherland.