South Korea

CK CEO Kim Kyong-hae wins a silver award in the PR LEGEND category at the INDIE AWARDS 2023

In recognition of publishing 5 books on PR and delivering a special lecture on crisis management at the 2015 Davos Forum

UNJournal Jon Lee | Kim Kyong-hae, CEO of Communications Korea (CK), won the Silver Award in the PR LEGEND category at the INDIE AWARDS 2023, the world's most prestigious PR awards, held on January 24 in London, UK, the PR company said on Jan. 25. The awards are given to legendary figures in the global PR industry.



“Thenetworkone,” a global independent network connecting more than 1,600 companies in the PR, advertising and media sectors in 119 countries around the world, is based in London, UK, and annually holds the INDIE AWARDS ceremony to recognize outstanding individuals in the field. 


The PR Legend category was newly introduced this year, and at the ceremony, Kim Kyong-hae was announced as the silver award winner from a short list of five pre-selected candidates.


Julian Boulding, chairman of thenetworkone, said, "CEO Kim has published five books on PR and gave a special lecture on crisis management at the 2015 Davos World Communications Forum, raising the profile of the PR globally.”


CEO Kim Kyong-hae said, "I am honored to be recognized as a legend by the global PR network. I will continue to do my best to develop and foster the Korean PR industry in the future."